Fujifilm Supriya 128 Slice CT Scanner
Fujifilm Supriya 128 Slice CT Scanner : Product description
Due to the advance of medical care, CT device needs to be optimized for patient care and accelerate clinical decision-making more than before.
On the other hand, rapidly aging societies demand economical medical care to alleviate financial concerns.
Supria 128 has evolved in order to respond to the paradigm shift in the medical field by employing latest technologies such as whole-body submillimeter high-speed imaging and dose reduction technologies, which have become the "Next Standard" for tackling various clinical demands.
“Supria 128” is a new solution that responds to healthcare needs in the medical field.
Specification :
Optimal settings for each facility -
- Noise reduction strength can be selected from 7 levels. We provide high-quality images by reducing image noise and artifacts with an appropriate exposure dose according to the facility's operation policy.
Low tube voltage scanning -
- In general, low tube voltage scanning can be expected to increase CT values and improve low-contrast resolution with iodine contrast agents. The noise increased by low tube voltage imaging can be reduced by Intelli IP, also reducing the burden on the patient.
Minimum slice width 0.625mm -
- The X-ray detector is separated by a partition. The X-ray utilization efficiency decreases by the thickness of this partition. There is a trade-off between X-ray utilization efficiency and spatial resolution, and a detector with a minimum slice width of 0.625 mm is equipped.
Clinically effective -
- Since it is possible to take a wide range of scans, it is effective for various examinations such as head,lowered arms, and abdominal multi-phase scanning.
Details :
In-Room Operation -
- Scanning can be started / stopped on the gantry while monitoring the situation changes at a position close to the patient. This improves the workflow between the operation room and the scanning room and consider the safety for smooth examinations.
High throughput, high image quality -
- High performance, such as high-speed rotation, submillimeter slice imaging, powerful X-ray generator and state-of-the-art image reconstruction algorithms, realizes high resolution and high throughput examinations.
Fujifilm Supriya 128 Slice CT Scanner : Specifications
Fujifilm Supriya 128 Slice CT Scanner : Product reviews
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