Looking for buying Insulin Pump for your hospital in India?
When buying an insulin pump for your hospital in India, consider factors such as compatibility with patient needs, features such as continuous glucose monitoring, ease of use, and manufacturer support. Leading brands include Medtronic, Ypsomed, and Vigo. Visit our website, hospitalstore for competitive pricing and service options, ensuring you choose a reliable and effective device for diabetes management.
Features to consider before buying an Insulin Pump for your hospital in India
The Insulin machine encompasses the following:
- Some of the insulin pumps have a feature that healthcare providers can remotely monitor them. This enables real-time adjustment in therapy and boosts support to the patients
- It allows the user to use a wireless device to interact with the insulin pump, hence making adjustments in the delivery of insulin through assessing his or her activities, exercises, and corrections in hyperglycemia.
- The insulin devices feature an Icon that provides an easy-to-use menu using the touch screen. This intuitive design means that end-users can use the product with minimal hand holding.
- Under support from HCPs, users can establish their own set of glucose targets (100, 110, and 120 mg/dL) to optimize diabetes management using the insulin infusion pump.
- The colour-rich full-colour display auto-brightness offers convenient viewing in various lighting conditions.
- It actively monitors the level of insulin machine and also monitors the residual amount of active insulin left in the body to provide important information towards the appropriate management of dosages
- The diabetes pump has a Graphical User Interface-designed touch remote control panel.
What is an insulin pump?
An insulin pump is a small, wearable device that delivers insulin continuously to manage diabetes. Also known as an insulin machine, insulin infusion pump, or diabetes pump, this insulin device provides precise doses of rapid-acting insulin through a catheter inserted under the skin. It mimics the pancreas's function, allowing for better blood sugar control and eliminating the need for multiple daily injections.
Everyone with type 1 diabetes and many people with type 2 diabetes need to take insulin to manage their blood sugar levels. For now, there are two options: injecting it with a needle or pen, or using an insulin pump.
An insulin machine is a small computerized device. It delivers insulin through a thin tube that goes under your skin.
How does Insulin machine work?
Before you start using an insulin pump, it’s important that you know how to:
- Attach the insulin infusion pump.
- Set to your body
- Change the insulin device in your pump
- Troubleshoot problems with your device
- Change the infusion set
- Manage the different features that the pump has.
- Most pumps contain a bolus dose calculator. This helps you calculate how much extra insulin you may need based on your daily carbohydrate intake.
- Some pumps also offer an “extended bolus” option. This allows you to administer the dose over 2 to 3 hours. This option can help prevent hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia is a potentially dangerous condition.
- You must change the insulin in the pump according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. For example, rapid-acting insulin formulations such as lispro and aspart must be replaced every 144 hours or every 6 days, according to a 2019 study. Glulisine, on the other hand, should be replaced every 48 hours.
- You should change the infusion site of your pump every 2 to 3 days in Trusted Source even if the insulin lasts longer, because the site may begin to break down, leading to decreased insulin absorption.
Remember that an insulin machine cannot do everything to manage your diabetes. You play the most important role in managing your care, including:
- Checking your blood sugar regularly
- Managing your diet
- Telling your pump what insulin dose to administer.
Price of Insulin Pump in India:
At the hospital store, we want you to get value for your money product with products that suit your needs and budget. The hospital store is known for having the lowest prices on all medical equipment.
The average price of an insulin pump in India ranges between ₹ 1 lakh to ₹ 6 lakh. Cost is widely depending on the features, brands and the specific model you want to buy.
Insulin machine popular brands of India:
Here is an overview of a few popular insulin pump brands available in India.
Medtronic: The global medical technology leader. It introduces advanced insulin pumps with the integration capabilities of continuous glucose monitoring along with automatic adjustments of insulin.
Tandem: Popular for easy-to-use touch-screen pumps. It offers Basal-IQ and Control-IQ technology for the automated delivery of insulin.
VGO: Offers tubeless, waterproof patch pumps. Provides discreet insulin delivery along with a dosing controller, all by using a remote.
How to use of insulin pump/insulin machine:
- Setup: The insulin pump should be prepared as per the manufacturer's instructions. In this, the insulin machine has to be filled with the specific type of insulin and the infusion line has to be primed.
- Infusion Site: Select a suitable body site for an insulin infusion pump. Clean the area and inject the cannula with the use of the inserter.
- Programming: You shall program the diabetes pump to administer basal and bolus doses of insulin according to recommendations provided by your physician. One could change settings for meal time and activity according to his/her needs.
- Monitoring: It is maintained on blood glucose levels in order to deliver the right amount of insulin. That is monitored and logged using an insulin device.
- Maintenance: Infusion set and insulin are changed every 2–3 days to ensure effectiveness and prevention of complications.
Benefits of insulin pump:
- You’ll need fewer needle sticks. A pump requires one shot every few days when you change your infusion set.
- A pump is more accurate than shots, helping you better manage blood sugar levels.
- You’ll have fewer blood sugar lows, which is important if you often have hypoglycemia.
- It may improve your A1C levels.
- Dosing for meals and snacks is easier.
- It’s easier to plan for exercise.
- It’s easier to bolus.
- Not only that, but it helps manage early morning high blood sugar, also called the “dawn phenomenon.
- One thing to keep in mind: You’ll always need to have regular injectable insulin on hand in case the pump stops working.
Useful Tips for Use of Diabetes pump in India:
- Discuss this with your health care provider before starting the pump.
- Learn how to set up, calibrate, and troubleshoot your insulin infusion pump.
- Help assure that the machine is giving you just the right amount of insulin by monitoring your sugar levels frequently.
- Change it every 2 to 3 days to prevent infection and make sure you are receiving reliable delivery of insulin.
- Record your dose of insulin, blood glucose readings, and food intake to ensure effective management.
- Observe pump failures, such as high blood glucose, and check the infusion site for kinks or low insulin.
- It always has extra insulin, infusion sets, and a backup delivery method, such as syringes, in case of emergencies.
- Teach people around you how the diabetes pump work so that they may be of help in case of emergencies.
- Carry your insulin device and supplies in carry-on luggage and keep them at appropriate temperature.
- Drink plenty of water and track how various foods affect your blood sugar. Adjust when necessary.
Important of insulin machine:
An insulin pump is one of the infusion devices used in diabetes management to deliver infusions of insulin, which consequently, regulates the blood sugar level at a steady rate. A diabetes pump could be helpful in reducing multiple injections that need to be done daily, hence having perfect control. Insulin machines provide comfort, convenience, and flexibility and also allow precise dosing in the daily life of many patients.
Frequently asked question and answer:
Q: What is the working of insulin infusion pump?
The insulin infusion pump delivers insulin at predetermined time intervals and has the facility to administer extra bolus injections during food intake also, thus offering flexibility and freedom.
Q: What is the average cost of an insulin pump?
The average insulin pump presently costs between ₹ 1 lakh and ₹ 6 lakh in India and is company specific and has all assorted prices with wide range
Q: What are the latest available insulin pumps?
Some of the new insulin pumps come with brands such as Medtronic, ypsomed, and Accu-check with technology, especially combining continuous glucose monitoring into such pumps.
Q: What is the best insulin pump for beginners?
The best pump depends on the individual's requirements, but some of the most commonly mentioned options are Tandem and VGO from Medtronic, which are said to be friendliest and supportive.
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